Im 23 and my x gf (the only gf I've ever had) said that it was the biggest of any guy she had ever been with and she has had sex with over 15 guys. I don't know if she was telling the truth or just trying to make me feel special.
Answers (2)
There have been numerous studies undertaken in the past in order attempt to determine the 'average' size of a mature mans penis. Ask any man to measure his own dick and the likelihood is that he will add an inch or two!! So, past studies have been a little unreliable!! A recent study took 500 men of all shapes and sizes, colour and creed and a third party did the measuring. It was determined that the average size of a mans penis is between 5" and 6". So, to answer you question.. I don't think that your girlfriend was just trying to make you feel good.. she was telling the truth!!!