Hi there it's difficult to post my questions in the Instagram Q&A in order to find the best answer so I will send it here please direct me to an open forum if there is if not I have a couple questions
Firstly, I have two Instagram accounts one personal and one more business and One personal Facebook account and one more business Facebook page
1. How are people from my personal Facebook finding my business Instagram account? Is there a way for my personal Facebook friends to not find my business Instagram account and only my personal instagram?

I see there is now a business link option... can I link my business Instagram account with my business Facebook page? or would it be my personal facebook account?

My overall goal is to - have my personal Facebook friends able to find my personal Instagram account, my business Instagram account be found by those who like my business Facebook page. A bonus would be that my personal Facebook friends cannot find my business Instagram account ... But I'm not sure if those who like my business Facebook page can find my business Instagram account and or my personal Instagram account.
so confusing! thank you in advance if you are able to translate this!