... schoolteacher earns less than $55,000 a year. Is that just?
In the United States, the average orthopedic surgeon earns $519,000 a year, while the average?
Added 3+ months ago:
In the United States, the average orthopedic surgeon earns $519,000 a year, while the average schoolteacher earns less than $55,000 a year. Is that just?
Answers (2)
What does it matter. Life is not supposed to be fair or just - never has been and probably never will be. Most people have opportunities to be what they want to be. If someone has more risk appetite, more energy and dedication, more intelligence and foresight, and makes better life decisions than somebody else they will most likely obtain more financial rewards. They might not be happier but they will be richer,
Absolutely Just. The average surgeon spends at least seven years learning his craft, and then goes on learning throughout his life.Incidentally that doesn't sound a good salary for a surgeon. Here in New Zealand that surgeon would start at around $360,000 a year and up to $700,000.A Schoolteacher by comparison has a lot less to do to further their careers.It is up to the individual to better their status.