I'm 15, and in high school. Rising sophomore in the 2015-2016 school year. I have a mild video game addiction, to the point of not even getting enjoyment anymore. It's terrible. I'm trying to get away from my games and doing what I love most: music. Music makes me happy, gives me passion, but something is missing. A girlfriend. I've never had a girlfriend, and it is the key to my happiness. There are two girls I've had interest in for awhile (I'll refer to them as One and Two). I met One in the summer between 7th and 8th grade, Two in the summer between 8 and 9). Both are in the same grade as me, both are very nice. Two is single. One has a boyfriend, but he just graduated, and because of which they might break up. Both One and Two share my passion for music. And I get, I'll say "mixed signals" from both. I really don't know. Every time I see her in the halls, One smiles, and waves, but doesn't say a word. Two doesn't go to the same school as me, but I'll see her a bit over the summer. One time, I was sitting in my recliner in my game room, and, without me saying anything, wants to share the seat. With me. She practically sat on me/ sat next to me. Does that mean anything? I'm so lost. Who do I make a move with? What do I even do? How fast? I need help, and I need it soon...