My life has turned really dull. It used to be different. I was more focused a year back on what I wanted, and I used to work for it. Now, I am really lacking that motivation, to get things moving like I was capable of doing before. I don't know how this has come about to be, and I can't recall how I had done it before. I'm having a really hard time figuring out what's changed. I'm procrastinating way too much now, I've had a falling out with some friends and can't seem to be too bothered about it. Mostly I'm BORED, which is kind of depressing. But I'm not depressed, because I've known what that's like, but at least even then I could channel that feeling into something productive and get on with things. Now, there's nothing.
One thing I know for sure is that I used to be very obsessive by nature. That's sort of changed, but I can't claim it's for the better, because at least then my mind was onto something. Now I feel entirely aimless, annoyed, and bored out of my wits. I'm a 19 year old college student, by the way, and I'm really freaking out over whether or not there is any way out of this. So please, help me