I obviously don't think I'm girly or tomboy, nor seem like either in public. So no one should think I'm girly whatsoever. My appearance is girly, but I don't act so much like one. I have ungirly quirks like not talking much, bad posture, scratching, picking dry skin, no eye contact, not covering my mouth, being a bit messy, and being awkward. But I have decent manners, cross my legs sometimes, and an OK posture.
Personality wise, I seem quiet, calm, cute, aloof, eccentric or sweet to people. But I usually have a somewhat firm low voice and it's only high pitched sometimes. My grammar is decent so I barely say that 'like, OMG' shit, but also I don't cuss much IRL and it surprises some people when I do. I mumble however, and sometimes speak a bit too fast or slow. My voice gets really quiet at times you have to lean in.
I don't have many girly interests. I avoid doing girly activities like makeup and shit, but I barely exercise since I'm not a very active sporty kid. My pastime is staying in my room and using the Internet on my PC/iPad. I don't really go out, just stay home. I also like hanging out, art/crafts, anime, songs, cool videos, reading, puzzles/games, writing, nature, and sports for fun. I like joining foreign language clubs, volunteering, human rights, and poetry club. But I get lazy so I miss a lot of meetings. I have friends of both gender, but still more girls than guys. At home, I'm a loner who has little social life and doesn't contact anyone much.