15 years ago I met the most intelligent, poetic and beautifuly radiant woman on earth. She off and on dated my brother and though I tried my best to ignore her by dating people myself, I never forgot about her. I have never really been happy with any since clapping eyes on her as a teenager. 15 years have passed, they live together and have 2 children but are not married. I'm in the middle of a divorce and also have 2 children. We live far away and speak infrequently. Out of the blue we simultaneously admitted our terrible unhappiness and our 15 year love for each other. I cannot help this feeling, I cannot stop thinking about her and I have never stopped loving her in the back of my mind. She admitted to me that she never married my brother because she was waiting to marry me. My children love her, her children love me. She wants to marry me as soon as I move closer and be together forever. This is a dream come true like no other...but it will cost me a lot of pain with my close family. My brother found out recently and hasn't made any contact with me. I need advice that isn't completely clouded by head-over-heels love. BTW, we have never messed around and hardly touched other than hugs on holidays and I would drop everything for her and get married and commit myself forever. (2nd question...would her kids be my step-children or nephew/nieces?) So do I abandon my blood for the love of my life or live forever pining for the one that got away?