i dont know if i should come out im really scard cause my dad and my mum are homophobic and they whould kick me out and stop loveing for me and i dont want to lose some friends and im sick of hideing im gay i need help....
Answers (4)
When you hit 18 just come out with it.
If they want to reject you because of that then these people or so called "Friends" are not worth your time.
When you get in to the adult world, you can be, do what you want. You will always make new friends as your life goes on. You only live once so don't waste it worrying about what other people think.
You might be pleasantly surprised how supportive your true friends actually are.
Regards to your family they say the 21st century family is made up of close friends not blood which I strongly believe in.
If people still want to live like cave men then let them! On their OWN with their cave man views. =D
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