My friends used to call for me all the time and I just made up some lame excuse so I could keep playing video games and eventually I ignored them so they did the same to me and never called the only time I see them is it school. I need help to get over my addiction or at least some advice . Please :(
Responses (4)
I have been addicted to video games to a severe extent. What I had to do was set timers to slowly cut down the amount of time I was playing.
I play online games so having that social connection really made it more difficult to break off - but there is no real need to quit, just manage your time better.
For online gaming, I went to my own guild / legion, and slowly cut back the hours I played. Eventually, I gave myself a few hours on the weekends and stopped playing Monday through Friday.
It helped. For one game I could not seem to quit, I simply deleted my characters and uninstalled.
But I really recommend weaning off slowly and play fewer and fewer hours till you are just down to a few hours a week. To me, this seemed to work the best and I'm down to maybe 2 hours on Saturday and 2 hours on Sunday.
My problem was finding something to do outside of these hours that kept me entertained.
Imagine a doctor says you've got one day to live and then he/she tells you to look back on your life and all you can look back on were all those video games you wasted time playing and all those friends you turned away because of them.Best way to stop playing video games is
1.throw away all your games and console
2.Imagine you've survived a plane crash and your the only survivor
3.You wake up on a uncharted Island with nobody else around and you have to find your own food and drink and find you own way back home.
Thanks I will try this idea :)