Im 53 kg, 13 yrs/4 months & 5'2 (157 cm). I'm nearly overweight, what should I do?

Answers (2)

You shouldn't be too worried about this just yet as you're still growing, but if you're really concern. Ask for your doctor's opinion and then do what he/she says. If you're "nearly overweight" and not "severely overweight" then there shouldn't be a reason to think about it too much.

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Thanks for the advice. I guess I didn't get my grow spurt yet because i'm one of the shortest people among my friends.

Stop eating fatty foods
Stop eating greasy foods
Start exercising more
Go to a gym and work out about an hour every day (that is if you want to lose weight)
Eat healthy foods (fruits, veggies, stuff with lots of nutrition in it)
Do a sport

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