... tried and also not alert cant really speak well forget full reduced iq and cant do much critical thinking I stumple as well (like repeat words) reduced performance in school and in sport problems with coordination and concretion also memory cant remember things very forgetful slow reaction times and also when i get around 4 hours a night for a couple nights my heart beats really hard during the day when i get 8 hours there a small relief but i still feel sleep just less tried and small improvements but not large i have around 1000 to 1500 hours of sleep debt . when try to sleep long during week ends and stuff my body always wakes up early like around 7 to 8 hours then i wake i try to lay in bed for a hour to see if i fall back to sleep but it never seems to work . Im a pretty smart person but im suffering and i never at my full potential that worries me the most other then my bad grades .im worry about my overall well being and Things are not really going well i need help please!