By no means am i a "troubled teen", I'm an ASB officer at my school, I'm a nice kid, i try to follow orders as well as i can but as we all know there's always a little teenage deficiency in there. My dream is to join the military, it always has been. But if i want to do that there's some things about me i need to change, and that i want to change but i need help doing so. Some of those things being, my work ethic, petty lying, avoiding slight responsibilities, doing my homework, keeping my grades up, and having more of a drive to be a better, kid, student and son. I've let my parents down to much for me to continue doing such. I want to go to something like a military school, but one that has an equal focus on preparing you for the military as getting you on track as a student. I put off schoolwork so much i failed 4 classes out of six. I've recovered 3 but the 4th wasn't possible to recover. As I said, I'm 15, a sophomore, and want to join the military so if anyone knows of a school preferably one in Washington (where i live), oregon, or idaho, that matches what i want to get out of it i would appreciate it if you could lend me some advice. Also i would like one that is coed. It's time i took responsibility of my life.
Responses (2)
Go to the community college and take acting classes, vocal specialties (story telling, drama, public speaking, or other), civics, and personal financial management (where you learn how to balance a checkbook). Acting skill will get you a job offer even when you are not qualified for the job. Vocal skill will boost your earning power more than any other detail. Civics will teach you how to pretend to be a normal citizen while defending your rights, and you need to know the basics of money management. All of these are things your high school should have taught you but didn't. Community college is cheaper than any other kind and they mostly run morning classes so you can have an afternoon job to get you some money to manage. Community college is like a different world just because everybody there is grown up.
I have seen military school students. They were scared to death, afraid I might be an undercover inspector from their school. I would not wish for anybody to live in such fear.
I've already taken acting classes and i enjoyed them, i've had major roles in 4 productions, but i dont want to make a career out of it, its a hobby not a passion. Taken drama, my ASB office involves public speaking, i've taken classes to teach me how to manage money, civics is a required high school class, but i still want the military. I'ts not about the money for me, I'ts about loving my country and loving the people i'm leaving to defend.