Im 13, my voice cracked today, when will it get deeper?

Responses (2)

It happens very slowly. :)

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Like, how long

Years because some people's voices stay the same at a Certain time in there life. It's years because it happens gradually in 2 years in a year there will be a difference trust me but just embrace your voice !!!!:)

Years because some people's voices stay the same at a Certain time in there life. It's years because it happens gradually in 2 years in a year there will be a difference trust me but just embrace your voice !!!!:)

Hahahahaha this is cute lol
But in all seriousness, your voice will probably get deeper within the next few years. I'm assuming you want it to get deeper? This kind of stuff takes time, like mentioned in the last answer. Patience is key :3

Nini! xoxo~Lolly

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