Im 11 Im always sad Im far away from dad and( WHY AND HOW SHOULD I KEEP LIVING ??

Answers (3)

It's because you miss your dad so much and it's normal. I think what you can do:

1. Talk about it. Suggestion: Think of a friend in whom you could confide when sadness overwhelms you.

2. Write about it. When sadness clouds your outlook on life, you might want to try putting your thoughts on paper. In his inspired psalms, David sometimes expressed deep sadness. (Psalm 6:6) Writing about such feelings can help you to “safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability.”—Proverbs 3:21.

3. Pray about it. The Bible says that if you pray about your concerns, ‘the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your heart and your mental powers.’—Philippians 4:6, 7.
Suggestion: Use Psalm 139:23, 24 as a pattern for your own prayer to Jehovah. Pour out your heart, and ask him to help you identify the root of your sadness.

Make yourself busy in some good activities. And take this as a determination to keep on living and to study hard so that your dad will become more proud of you.

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Because you are worth so much! I know its sad and scary to be away from your family but I promise you that life will get better. I often deal with depression and exercise, fresh air and sunlight always help me. Hang in there. Someone cares about you.

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thx i needed some edvise this want the best one one but ir sure helpled thx

If ur a girl....thn i am gunna start of by sayin.......sweety i am 11 to and i hav never ever ever seen my dad never. But i kinda know wat ur goin if ur a daddys girl/boy thn idk how tht feels cuz im a mommys girl. But if it helps go out side and live ur life...ur worth it. I promise. U will b able to c him sooner or later.

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