Recently, my computer said a flagged IP was accessing my computer's network, but there was no one near me house, I went out and checked the radius, and then a CMD popped up and it said, "CMD Chat system version 1.2 DEVELOPED BY SPARTACUS" Then a message popped up saying, "Hello, I know your name, *******, and I know where you live." I obviously didn't state my name for obvious reasons of the internet. He then said that I had a choice to join them or stay in the lies forever. Any help?
Responses (1)
You don't know what "IP" means or what it is do you...? An IP address does not have a radius (lol), it makes no difference whatsoever if someone is near your house as that has nothing to do with an IP addresses... One suspects that you are simply trying, very badly, to wind people up and spread some alarm.
Go and find out what an IP address is and try again...
Oh, and stop watching bad hacker movies/TV shows, reality is nothing like them.
...and IP = internet protocol, it's just a string of numbers that identifies your computer on a network. A flagged IP is simply one that has been identified as coming from a mirrored or "fake" computer. The "flag" could come from your internal security program or be external and unless you know what flagged the IP and why it means next to nothing to simply say "flagged IP"..
Also, I meant the radius of my house.
The IP address of my PC will only identify the town I am in and nothing else. Assuming of course I'm not useing a dynamic IP (which I am so my IP address changes every single time I log on) and assuming I am not routing my IP (which I am, through the USA at the moment). Doing a back trace on my IP now reveals that I am "apparently" living in a sub district of lower manhatten. De sajnos azt nem igaz és igazod lákom magyárorságban most (unfortunately that's not true and I am in fact living in Hungary).... IPs are amazing things but you really cannot believe what you watch on CSI.
Well, okay then. Also, I don't have cable, so... What does that mean?
An IP is also a location. Flagged IPs are IP adresses which have been, as you said, marked malicious by my internet security. For example, if I got your IP address, I would be able to tell where you lived. Also, no bad hacker movies here, only SQL and DLL injections into games and websites, along with some Lua hacking in single player games. Don't forget the internet forums then!