Do you have to pay a lot of health insurance to go abroad if you have previously attempted suicide? Things like this.. I got out of hospital the other week and I’m scared this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Responses (3)
Continue with your therapy! Just because you are out of the hospital doesnt mean therapy is complete. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to fully complete your therapy. You don't know what might trigger your depression, you need to identify them, you need to know what you can specifically do to stop becoming overwhelmed by emotions and thoughts.
No, your attempt should not have ramifications on the rest of your life. If the result of the attempt is that you take your medication if any was prescribed and complete your therapy then you have a positive result. Do not tell people your personal and private life and you should have no problems.
I wouldn't travel abroad until therapy was complete. But your passport does not show hospitalizations. If you anticipate the need for psychiatric hospitalization while traveling then I can safely say you shouldnt be traveling! Anybody who travels should have health insurance.
Continuez votre thérapie! Ce n'est pas parce que vous n'êtes pas à l'hôpital que la thérapie est complète. Je ne saurais trop insister sur l'importance de compléter complètement votre thérapie. Vous ne savez pas ce qui pourrait déclencher votre dépression, vous devez les identifier, vous devez savoir ce que vous pouvez faire spécifiquement pour éviter de vous laisser submerger par les émotions et les pensées.
Non, votre tentative ne devrait pas avoir de ramifications sur le reste de votre vie. Si le résultat de la tentative est que vous prenez vos médicaments si l'un d'eux a été prescrit et terminez votre traitement, alors vous avez un résultat positif. Ne dites pas aux gens votre vie personnelle et privée et vous ne devriez pas avoir de problèmes.
Je ne voyagerais pas à l'étranger avant la fin de la thérapie. Mais votre passeport ne montre pas d'hospitalisations. Si vous prévoyez le besoin d'une hospitalisation psychiatrique en voyage, je peux dire que vous ne devriez pas voyager! Toute personne qui voyage devrait avoir une assurance santé.
If one has attempted suicide and has escaped death, it should become an inspiration not to restrict life afterwords. But in fact to move forward to realize that death is not in our hands but in the hands of the Divine - that is why our attempt at suicide failed. We should realize that life is a gift and we must move forward in discovering the true purpose of life. Instead of restricting our life, we should move forward understanding answers to these two questions: who am I and why am I here. This is the right way for us to live, in fact not only for one who has committed or attempted suicide but for one who is wanting to attain the true purpose of life. We must go on a quest to realize the Truth; nothing in this world restricts us from doing so.