would they all have left the plantation and gone to work across town? Would they all have gone North and died of starvation due to not enough jobs? Would they all go west and deal with the Indian wars? How would they all make a living with no education or training?Where would millions of slaves go all at once? The Plantation owners and family would be too busy on their own farms to help. Just curious...
Responses (3)
The first thing you need to understand is slavery was a legal practice throughout all of the United States, not just the South. Northern states just happened to realize it was a violation of human rights sooner than the South. Southern states saw that it was going to be abolished and, on the argument of state rights, seceded from the United States. To answer your question alternate history question more directly, I would assume slaves would have done the same thing that they did when the Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, and the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution did for them.
The first thing you need to understand is slavery was a legal practice throughout all of the United States, not just the South. Northern states just happened to realize it was a violation of human rights sooner than the South. Southern states saw that it was going to be abolished and, on the argument of state rights, seceded from the United States. To answer your alternate history question more directly, I would assume slaves would have done the same thing that they did when the Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, and the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution did for them.
I clicked on your question because you answered mine, even though you gave me a rambling nonsensical answer. Now I'm sorry I answered this one. I should have realized you're just a preachy, delusional, borderline schizo. Ask your doctor to increase your meds.
Kindly point out any fact that is incorrect or anything illogical, delusional, insane, twisted or deceitful. Prove your point instead of attacking the messenger which is the typical response from fear of the truth or fear of even thinking about it or discussing it. Defying facts and ignoring logic is the first sign of insanity is it not? Why not simply point out the flaw in my argument? I will humbly apologize for my error and try to do better. If my question answered your question what was your question?
The question was designed to make a point. Slavery is still Legal as well as fully Lawful in America. The result of the war did not benefit Southern blacks as a whole any more than it does today. They, their property and their children are still the legal property of another...including their body, name, labor and very soul. If you are white you are in the same boat and no better off.
Proven FACTS. Life cannot exist without slavery. Carts cannot be driven without slavery. Shirts cannot be made without slavery. Cotton cannot be picked without slavery. Lincoln did not outlaw slavery. Lincoln did not free the slaves or free black people from slavery. Children cannot be had without slavery. Marriage cannot exist without slavery. Food cannot be grown without slavery. Life is made better by slavery. Money cannot be made without slavery. Of course Southerners like slavery. Every black family had slave masters in their ancestry who enslaved both black and white people. Only an idiot would outlaw slavery or want slavery abolished. We need MORE slavery. You all just need kinder, wise and gentler Masters who won't abuse, steal from and rape you and your children while providing you with a reward like money to spend in adequate amounts with the freedom to use it. All slaves should keep in mind that all slaves have masters and all masters have bigger Masters who serve other MASTERS who serve either the one MASTER on the Left or the other MASTER on the Right who serve either the Dark or the Light from and enslaved by the MASTER OF ALL MASTERS for the use of His Primary SLAVE used to control Lower MASTERS and Masters and Slaves.