I'm afraid to be called a stalker if I sit at the hospital during the time my pregnant ex-girlfriend is coming in for examination
I have done nothing wrong that even the highest standards of expirenced and smart people expect. She just suddenly left when I put my foot down about buying her weed to smoke. I don't want a debate about marijuana and it's effects I want to know how to show I care about my son and his well being without causing the outrageously hormonal woman who doesn't have a constant supply of high grade smoke to not get mad at me out in public or on a social network site. I gave her flowers on the doorstep to say sorry for whatever pain I've must caused because yeah I'm not perfect but I do want to help raise the baby as friends, well she made a sign that said no stalking and put it in her front yard! Then she posted a pic so my family could see it. She also commented that she wishes she could stab me in the eyes with thorns from the flowers and make me bleed. So in a few hours I'm going to sit in the lobby far away from the door so she can't run up and say something but not so far away she can't see me
make sure you say our