If my ex girlfriend was so willing to forgive me, says she still loves me and care even for my past mistakes (broke up with her 3 times) due to lack of understandings and misunderatandings, and resulting in arguing. I tried to get back with her this last time to really prove myself. She doesnt believe a word I tell on how much ive changed and want to prove myself an d be her life cause I know what I want. She once aaid shes scared to take me back..anyway she grew cold and distant on until I can her back into getting with me, she claims shes not with no one else or looking just working and school. I find it hard to believe because she wouldnt anserw what does she do when dudes approach her. I know were're not together but if you want me youd still shoukd show it right? She doesnt text, call or check on me no more but when I get mad ready to leave her shes making it seem like im weong only for me to think im wrong ask for frogiveness and come back to her to act like that again. She told shes torn because of my actions in the past she wants to be with me but feels im not im changing. Im done tryna convince her and lseeming weak and like a p##$¥ to everyone. I know what I wantED and was tryna proce my love but I get that excuse from that im selfish and impatient for not waiting on her . Claims if I care for id wait for to get her mind rright come back to me and so call work on. Any way I need some out person looking in on this situation.....lately its been the same thing of me tryna get her back as us yesterday. I told her to give me a chance to prove myself, she agreed to. We agreed to meet somewhere to talk but she came with her friends in the and she was rude being impatient and str8 to the point. It caught me off guard becuase how she was acting looking from side to side n when she looks at me its this str8 attitude and hate look in her eyes. I couldn't tell her nothing and apologized to her for making her come meet. Anyway I feel when text or talk she just ttyna hurt me like I did her but I kept telling her its been awhile since ive been in a relationship so please understand and allow me to heal with you on what broke. You dont half to do it alone......but she doesnt nothing...so later on that I felt disappointed and fed up. I text saying I didnt like trying to be pjt thru things just make things back right, if we bith supposedly love each other it should be both individuals working. Anyway she blocked me on f.b. l...blocked her timeline when kept mentioning her flirting with dudes and that I didnt like it. She doesnt really flirt back but she certainly doesnt turn em down, claiming none of friemd guys are nothing more than just ust friends. Anyway, the final text I sent I said no more breaki g things and comming back, no more trying to prove to you becuase now idc!! I tried and itried and now I dont feel regret no more you....she replied back that, "since you think you know how I act, feel, and do its cool.....she was tryna send another text but I hurried and replied back idc so please stop in m done block my number. I need a person outside to lookin on this for me to see who and where both of us went wrong and how I can change...they say every relationship has lesson leaned that failed I havent caught on yet, which is why posting this. I need some insight, not opinons on how I still like her lol be uase I dont. Sorry this is so long.