I was hired into a new job in August perfectly healthy and in no way did I expect these health complications to blow up in the next few months. I've had to call off to see a doctor several times now, trying several medications only for the problems to continually and gradually get worse. New symptoms were popping up, one being Menorrhagia which was causing me to become anemic, fatigued, dizzy, and generally concerned I could pass out at work from blood loss. As a server, this was understandably worrisome. Despite doctor's notes, I was written up for excessive absences. It's January now. There is no official medical diagnosis yet but I am seeing two different specialists, one of which I can't get into until February. While there is no diagnosis yet, many possible conclusions are life threatening or critical. Some possible diagnosises include Cancer, Stroke, Neurological damage requiring neurosurgery, etc. Best case scenario is leaning toward nose surgery or hormone medication, but until I see these specialists I won't know what's wrong with me or what could possibly happen in the meantime. If I present this to my employer and I have to miss another day for a trip to the doctor and they suspend me, can I fight this? What if, in a worst case scenario, I pass out or have a stroke at work due to over-exertion because I couldn't take the day off... Are they liable for compensation if they were previously aware of the situation and were still denying me call-offs, threatening my suspension?