If I eat under 1000 calories a day is it okay? I eat healthy food, and a ton of green tea!?

Answers (1)

as long as your only eating healthy food, plenty of protein and healthy carb sources it's possible, But not necessary for anyone. Men shouldn't eat any less than 1400 to 1500 calories per day, and women shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories per day for weight loss.

I highly recommend Christian Bale's diet and exercise routine for his role as Batman you can look it up online and read about it [sorry I can't provide a link] It's a very difficult routine, it requires discipline. But I do recommend it if you want to get into shape. If you stick to it, you will see results.

Just losing weight is not what you want, many people are fooled into thinking that they're getting into shape if they just lose weight, but your real goal should be to lose fat, overall body weight loss also implies muscle loss etc. So a balanced healthy diet and exercise routine is recommended for everyone and don't forget to drink at least 6 to 8 cups of water.

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