If a friendship is broken what do you males do ? Female and male. Friends for years btw?

Responses (1)

wow there shouldn't be any issues there if they are suppose to be friends but in the case that someone could cause that kinda caos its really to the point wre you really their friend to begin with friends for years shouldn't even be in that mix up but its pretty hurtful for one who has been ones friend to have that happen it would become very lonely and wish you had that friend back i not sure it would be worth it cause that friend opens their selves up for alot of pain and misery i don't think you could call that a friend to begin with

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Well the thing is I'm the female but I don't know how guys handle these situations. I wanted to know because he was annoyed by me (with reason ) but he insulted me , told by others, and it hurt. I also saw some comments on social media that didnt necessarily say my name but i knew were about me. I told him i liked him and well the way he went about certain things just made me feel really bad.People told me not to talk to him but I don't want to be unreasonable and end this relationship. I'm also not going to beg him. Thoughts?