Identify the accurate statement about adolescent suicide.
A) The adolescent rate in 2005 is double what it was in 1962.
B) Almost all teens who seriously consider suicide attempt suicide.
C) The present adolescent suicide rate is about 1 in 500 each year.
D) The adolescent suicide rate is about twice that of adults.
Identify the accurate statement about adolescent suicide?
Answers (1)
I haven't seen figures for these so I can't really answer. One thing I can say though is that one study found only 25% of adolescent suicide attempts are by males. You'd think that would mean only 25% of adolescent deaths are male. Quite the opposite. It's 85% male and only 15% female. The reason is that females are much more tended towards parasuicides as a cry for help whereas males have resolved to end it. A suicide attempt by an adolescent male is 25 times more likely to be successful than by a female. Shocking, but true. We should be doing much more to help adolescent males.