I just got a new, small sucker fish that is supposed to be friendly with my betta, I wasn't sure how to introduce them and I put my new fish in with my betta, but I was told a couple minutes later that I wasn't supposed to do that and was supposed to gradually add the aquarium water to my new fishes bag because its supposed to keep the pet store water. will my fish be alright? also, when my fish was in the tank with my betta, my betta was nipping it, how do I prevent my betta from killing my sucker fish?
I was unaware that I cant pour my new fish into new water with my betta, will my fish be alright?
Added 3+ months ago:
its been about 45 minutes and my fish seem to be ignoring each other, my sucker fish is back in its bag and ive been gradually adding more water, even though I dont think that will do anything. my sucker fish is swimming around in the bag, and I even dropped a sinking pellet into the tank for it and its eating, I also fed my betta in hopes that it wont be hungry and aggressive, im thinking of adding my sucker fish into the tank in about 45 minutes and hoping for the best, if there is still aggression I will keep it in the bag until morning (its about 9:15 pm for me right now)
Added 3+ months ago:
also I'm pretty sure my betta is a male, and my sucker fish is a baby Pako Corydora