I really enjoy helping people, so when I see people who are sad, I try my best to help them.

The other day, I was with my science teacher. She was really upset about something going on in her home life and she was just feeling overwhelmed. She began to cry and I asked if I could get another teacher or someone else who would be better equipped to help her out. She said she wanted me, so we sat down together and I hugged her. I tried to comfort her and let her know that everything would work itself out. I guess in the big wave of feelings that she was experiencing, she felt like reaching out, so her face got closer to mine and she just dove in for a kiss. It lasted around 5 seconds (just her lips pressed against mine, nothing else), but it made me very uncomfortable. After the kiss, she realized what she had done and began sobbing again. She waved her arms at me, asking for another hug, for some kind of comfort, but I was just frozen. I came to my senses after a bit and called in another teacher to help.

I suppose it is my fault that I put myself in that position by trying comfort my teacher in those circumstances, but I really thought it would just be a quick interaction, not something like this. She's already overwhelmed, so she doesn't need this drama, too. I'm planning on keeping this to myself, but I'm still really confused and uncomfortable. I don't want to report it because it will get her in trouble. What should I do?