okay, i'm 16 and i live in Egypt. I AM MISERABLE. i want to to travel out of this country. I want to go to America. My parents are separated But my mother won't get a divorce. my father hates us and he won't support us financially. I am not asking for money. I am asking for a way that would let me travel out of Egypt or get the American visa without my father's approval. ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD HELP. I need to travel this year because next year I'm gonna be in high school. I want to go to high school in Egypt. PLEASE HELP. PLEASE PLEASE I BEG YOU ALL.
Responses (16)
I don't know if that's possible because here in Egypt they don't take teens seriously. However I tried sending them an e-mail. I hope that does something.
I don't see how that can be done because: 1) you want to travel out of your country - and especially to the US you would need both a passport and a specific sort of visa 2) as you are a minor you would thus need the approval of both parents. Still, you might want to start by contacting the US embassy near you (addresses on the web) and see what the procedures are.
IF You want to travel out of your country and especially to the US you would need both a passport and a specific sort of visa. And www. visitalbanyga.com guide you. The Albany, GA Convention & Visitors Bureau is where you’ll find travel info about attractions, shopping, hotels, sporting & convention facilities, & more. | Accommodations
If really you want to do this you have to need to discuss your thoughts with Travel Agencies travel experts. If you Don't have Knowledge about this. Please visit some of popular travel expert Companies on Following Addresses
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Hi, i am olivalily. you will get a fair idea about the placed to visit during which you are planning your vacation.
As, it is important to know these things when you travel abroad. Also, do check the rates and availability of rooms/hotels around the area you are planning to go.
Online travel portals are a great help. you can call their customer care executive or do live chat with them.
Since 2014 I'm approximately non-stop travelling. Sometimes I feel back about my life before and I hardly memorize everything. It's similar to I didn't live previous to. Once I started to journey, the whole thing felt more strong. Every day was a new escapade. I paid notice to particulars. I got lost and enthusiastic. Enthusiastic to this kind way of life. I never required to go back to a daily habit. Sitting in an office and doing a number of job from 9 to 5 seemed like the most preposterous thing on earth. What a squander of life.
I have some money but I can't travel without my parents' permission and they won't let me. Don't you know any other way?