I want to kill myself. What's the best way?

Responses (4)

how old are you? and why do you want to do it

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Just why are you in a hurry to be in horrible torment in Hell for all eternity? Need a friend, just feel free to contact me,ok?

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Suicide is a horrible solution, It will not fix whatever problems you are going through. It will only create problems for the loved ones like your friends and family that you leave behind. I think you need someone to talk to, I suggest a Christian Councilor.

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Drinking bleach has been proven effective.
If you can get your hands on some form of pest killer, that would work pretty well.
Jumping off of something from very high up will kill you instantly, but if it doesn't kill you your life will suck even more.
If you have somewhere to hang yourself from it is pretty easy to learn how to tie a noose.

Hope this helped!

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