Okay, so I am fifteen, and although I myself have never had any ACTUAL dating experience, I am pretty sure this guy likes me. We both share a Social Studies class as well as both of us being on the track team. This guy often will compliment me about how smart I am or on my doodles, and since we sit near eachotgher in class he sometimes takes my drawings to show off to other people, almost like a proud parent. He also laughs at any joking or sarcastic comment I say, even if he has heard it before. He also tries to be nice to me, for example the other day we were doing a group activity that involved a leader and a writer. He immediately calls being the leader and says that I should be the writer. I said that I would like to be the leader, and he almost immediately gives up the position. I also sometimes accidently brush past him, and oftentimes we will randomly make eye contact when I look up from an assignment, from which he will glance away. In addition to this, in track whenever I run past him he cheers for me, and although he will cheer for one or two of the girls behind me, when he does that he often seems flustered and mispronounces their name.
I have one problem though-- he is well known for being a player. I often see him flirt with other girls, although he never compliments them and is almost distant towards them, and he treats them more of as buddies than a love interest. I don't really like him too much (not quite just friends, but not a full blown crush), but I feel like I could have a relationship with him, but I'm hesitant to be bold because he IS a player. What do you think, and what is the best course of acrion I should take if he is a player afterall?