What am I supposed to do if I think I'm being followed?? So the past couple of nights I took my dog for his nightly walk around my neighborhood...last night this black car passed us driving extremely slowly, drove past us then turned around and passed us again, I thought it was pretty weird so I quickly turned down another street and went home a different route as fast as I could.

Then again tonight, as we were walking home, (on the same street as the night before, but on the other end) this same black car was there, it pulled up to the corner and just sat there a few feet away from me, like watching, blocking my way back home. I took my dog and stood in a very well lit yard waiting for this car to go on. It sat there for several minutes before finally driving further down the street, where it pulled into someone else's driveway and just sat there. As soon as it was out of the way I raced home and I'm very freaked out. This car doesn't belong to any of the people on this street, I've never even seen it before.

I'm trying to be logical about it but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't scaring me a bit. Is it possible that maybe the person in the car knows someone who lives on that street and is waiting to meet up with them or something? I can't think of a single reason why anyone would follow me but if they are what should I do? Is it dumb to call the cops if I'm not even positive the person is following me? It's only been two nights maybe it's a coincidence? I honestly feel nervous about walking that way again... If anyone has advice I need some...