Well, she is my father's elder most(long gap) brother's daugther's daughter. But she is an year younger to me. We rarely met in our childhood times, and I being a reserved person had hardly talked to her that time. Now may be after 8/9 years she saw me in facebook and we started chatting. We used to chat really long and exchanged phone numbers. Then it became chatting through texting,though she hardly used to lift my calls. Now days she has stopped texting that much as she has joined for a job, but still in touch. And now a days she ignores so many of my texts, even though I am sure she will be free at the time when I send her and this makes me go crazy like anything.Five months have passed and I think I have really started liking her and I miss her chats so much. I keep sending a lot and lot of texts and she keeps ignoring most of them, though when I say sorry for continuous texting, she tells its no problem at all and I can send many sms. Is it correct on my part to like her or its just an obsession and if it is, I am not able to come out of it. Two days ago we had texting conversation and suddenly she stopped. Yesterday, I nearly went to the point of saying that I like her, but in a kind of desperation of not having received reply to last so many sms, I sent an angry text to her saying I won't talk to her. She has not replied till now. I am confused what to do? And I really fear, if I tell her about my feelings, it might just spoil our relations of even being cousins. I got carried away may be because she always responded in a positive way whenever I tried being a little flirty(if can use that word, but not exactly in a very naughty way, I am infact incapable of doing that). And then may be I think, she loved those just because I am her cousin. Now what should I do?