I dated a girl for about 8 months and she broke up with me because of what a friend said (which was a lie). She got another boyfriend but they didn't last 2 months and then I didn't talk to her for about 4 months and then she text me saying she wants to be friends and I said yes. After that I asked if I were to ask her out again what would she say, she said yes but three days later said she wanted to be friends for now but that she still loves me. The thing is it's my last year at that school and I won't see her til I'm a sophomore because she is a grade below me but I'm going to central catholic and I think she is going to Clark. I want to make this year the time of my life with her but I can tell she doesn't because her friend said she didn't want her to get back with me and I was wondering on how to tell her that she shouldn't care what her friend thinks. PLEASE HELP!