so there is this guy, and we were neighbors and would hang out all the time. but then I moved and we stopped talking and everytime i asked him if he wanted to hang out, he never responded. the last time i asked him, i said "okay this is rediculous and this is the last time i will ask you to hang out." he didnt respond :( and about 3 months later (tonight) he chats with me on my email saying "hey would you like to listen and kind of rate this song of mine?" and i said "sure" and he sent it but i couldnt listen to it cuz of the file type or something. then we went back and forth in an awkward convorsation. i told him it was awkward and he agreed with me. then i partially told him something and he asked me why i didnt finish and i said "because its personal and i dont know you that well anymore" he logged off. i sent him a message after he logged off saying "okay thanks. i feel so stupid i have been trying to be ur friend but you keep rejecting me so im done. dont ever try talking to me again. ever." i feel soo stupid now...i was mad and that was too dramatic...should i just let it go? or what? im so stupid :/