i have reported numerous crimes to the fbi which include rape murder molestation locations of deceased bodies and more and nothing has been done. this reulted in four more murders and one rape since i have been telling them this. i went to washington d.c. to straighten this out with the headquarters of the fbi and was ignored. i have all the evidence and locations of deceased victims and testimonies of witnesses along with confessions from the criminals. all other law inforcement has done the same please help if you have any other ideas
Answers (2)
Don't give up! Sometimes law enforcement can be very stubborn and ignorant but don't lose hope. Keep trying to contact them, call or email every day. If the person on the phone doesn't listen ask to speak with someone else. Eventually someone will take you seriously and then you can start saving lives.
If you've haven't tried going to their superior try that and if they haven't done anything then I would suggest trying to get other peoples attention as in the public and try to alert as many people as possible through newspaper or something as small as flyers do anything you can to grab their attention the more people the better if you can grab the publics attention then you can grab their attention in the end of you can't do all these things then you've done your best and those victims would feel that little bit of gratitude towards you for trying your best so I would like to say thanks on their behalf you must be an incredibly kind hearted individual to do this even though your not inclined to the world needs more people like you.just know you did your