I need advice. I can tell he really likes me as a friend/person and sometimes he says things like, "I will really miss you in the summer," or even, "You should come visit me..." but I also feel like I am not the only person he says these things to... (He isn't like a "player" though...he just has a lot of friends). He will also be funny and give me playful hugs and touch me..etc. Anyway, I am starting to get kind of nervous around him because I like him so much and I am having a hard time just being myself. I feel like I would have a little more confidence about this but like a week ago he met this random girl that came out with us one night and I guess they kind of had/have a little fling going on (which I didn't even realize until like two days later!) So now I just feel guilty for having feelings for him. I am not really sure what the status is on their fling right now...I personally don't see it lasting long because they don't really know each other that well or see each other but I can't be too sure (I could possibly be biased too). The question is: do you think I should just hold back now (due to this fling going on) and kind of see if these feelings slide or should I still tell him regardless? I don't want to seem like an immature and jealous friend that wants to ruin his happiness now because he met a different girl but I don't want to ruin any of my chances either. Just FYI, I am 21 years old.