... then i didnt get a chance to talk to him until march. In march he was sleeping over and he came up alone and i asked if he would want to come to my room he was really excited I asked and he gave me his number. He went to sleep so I never did anything with him that night.

Instead he texted me first the next day and tried to get to know me and seemed like he was interested in dating then a pattern of texting started where he would text me first then I would text him first next day then he text first again the day after. He asked me to hang out once and I did and he kissed me after and for the next like 3 days after he texted me like normal

Then he suddenly just stopped so after my day of texting first i waited and waited for 2 days and he never texted me so finally I texted him and he seemed really happy to hear from me and ever suggested that would should have hung out and told me he got his mohawk back and shaved his beard and he knew I liked his mohawk. So then I though oh maybe he thought I was mad now he knows I'm not so he'll text me first tomorrow and he still never did.

I also think he might be avoiding coming to my house for sleepovers with my brother because he doesnt want to have to deal with me being there too.

So what should I do? tell him that I will leave him alone and we can pretend nothing happened so he can still come hang out with my brother or should i wait and see if he will ever text me first again or should I just keep texting him first like every second day and maybe ask him to hang out?