m in year 8 but the guy I like is in year 7! he's really cute! we've never met,spoke before and i wanna try and become friends and get him to like me! so how can we become friends without it being all awkward and how can i get him to like me and is it ok if i go out with a year 7?im giving myself 3 months to try and get with him and if that doesn't work then I'm just gonna go straight with him and tell him! and also what can i start our conversation about/? i kinda like the bump method! :) i really want this to work though but i need to know how to start a conversation without it being really awkward because i only see him break,dinner and on the corridors! thank you xx i also need help on excuses to talk to him without seeming like I'm a weirdo! also when we see each other we do give direct eye contact aswell but i don't know if that actually means anything but it does happen everytime!