Whenever i have free time, i am always stuck in my room bored out of my mind. I am in college and i have a job and whenever its the weekend, i always want to go out and do something fun, but i never have anyone to hang out with. My high school classmates were not a great group of people. I have one close friend i keep in touch with, but she goes away to school, so i never see her. My college friends never want to hang out outside of school. Every time i ask them, they always say they can't or they go and hang out with their friends they've had for a really long time. I'm perfectly happy with my life, but this tends to bring me down knowing that i don't really have anyone to hang out with or talk to. I have a huge family and so many cousins, but most of them live out of state so i only see them a few times a year, so i can't even hang out with them. I have my sister, but she has been dating her boyfriend for a very long time, but she hangs out with him and his friends a lot. She invites me most of the time, and sometimes i go out with them, but i sometimes feel like a third wheel. I try to hang out with people, i always text people asking if they want to hang out, but most of the time they say no and i feel like i am just a nuisance. I am doing really well in school and i recently got a new job and everything is going well, but my social life just doesn't exist. Any advice please! i could really use it. Thanks