... I am making analysis for my organization resources and i hope to find for a theory for calculating the areas at which i need a team leader in org. and what should be his scope and maximum number of team members he can manage safely?
Responses (1)
i do not think you will find any formula for that. you can find benchmarking studies than analyze leading organisations, not for free though. definitely, the number and area of responsibility will depend on industry, they can not be the same in a manufacturing unit and a finance shared service for example
try to talk to Hackett Group - they carry out lots of benchmarking studies. not sure if they have what you want but you can try. good luck
thanks a lot for your response
i understand your concerns well, mainly i am targeting studies in running the operation of Mobile network, there are some models for the org like ITIL and ETOM but i did't see any studies for Team Leader tasks or scope and role in the team, how much is the percent of time that he should spent to manage technical issues (like other members), and how much time he should spent in managerial issues, is it safe to run the work with one Team leader for 20 members, or should i have multiple TLs ? at some threshold, also if there is some sources for such studies and not free, i will be thankful to share with me.