I m reading / research 2 keep my fish HEALTHY and ALIVE ................ I want a helpful answer and Good suggestion please.......
My tank size...... Length 60 inch(5 ft) , Height 30 inch(2.5 ft) , Depth 18 inch(1.5 ft).(140.3gln US).

...Okay my tank is tall and long ( good for angelfish).. now I need information about

-- what type of filters should i put in my tank and how many?( tall/long tank)
--what will be the good live plant for tall tank with angel fish?? ( please tell me about tank lights too)
-- How many angel fish i can keep in my tank ???
--I what type of Oxygen should i provide for tall tank???? ( angelfish ofcourse )
--and chemicals???

my any questions would be very helpful and awesome ( please answer 2 help me out)

Thank you......