I have a boyfriend that. I have been seeing for nearly 6 mouth and that's long for me and I really do love him but I always feel like there is something missing because it doesn't feel like my other relationship that I used to have, that didn't last long but I was really happy and my ex boyfriend told me that he misses me and he still thinks about me all the time and I do love my boyfriend but I really l loved my ex boyfriend and I don't know what to do? I need help?
Responses (9)
Yeah, people might think I sound a bit slutty but I was seeing this lad a year ago and I was really upset because he finished me I tryed to end my life I cut my self because I was so happy when I was with him and I know it sound pathetic but I did really like him and now he tells me he misses me and that but I have a boyfriend but I still think about him all the time, I'm so confused what to do
What the fuck, you 11 and probs haven't even had a girl girlfriend and you don't made any sence, now fuck off
Just calm down people
If he truly Loved you he would not have left
So what should I do?
its your choice you seem like a nice girl and its a hard world the choices you make now are going to effect your life to come and some of those choises will hurt you but as i have been saying its your choice
I think you might need to set your current boyfriend and tell him how your feeling it is the best thing you should do exspecially if you don't get that feeling it must be what you feel like when your with him you didn't explain how the boyfriend now feels something you might want to spend sometime thinking about
You need to be open and honist with your boyfriend.. Think about it your thinking about your ex while with him so firstly that in its self is wrong because like you he has a heart also and where you wanted ro end your life because of your ex leavin you whos to say he wouldnt try the same when you leave your current bloke.. Best thing to do if you still love your ex is be open with your boy friend and end it to save him more pain then give your self abit of time and space to get your head right and thrn if you still want ykur ex find out what he wants from you too gettin back together.. Teust me on this dont string hearts along that happernd to me and like you i cut myself to get rid of the pain and insted i have messed up legs from the deep scars and a my heart feels torn in 2.. Your very lucky you have a choice not many people are giving options so follow your heart not your head
Fuck off