From as long as I can remember I've had depression-related mental breakdowns about an average of every 5-6 months like clockwork. There isn't anything necessarily sad currently going on in my life at the moment(except bad money issues, but that's pretty normal). I just woke up today without loss of will and not really caring. I'm trying to find to find a more accurate description because that may sound 'normal' or 'not problematic.' It's very strong loss of myself, passion or dedication in anything and everything, I'm very, very upset. I don't necessarily sit and cry(I hardly cry). I'm in my early 20's, I've never really had anyone to turn to. I know people may have said find a professional to talk to and I have looked and I can't seem to find someone and what I am lacking most at the moment is money and I don't have insurance & I have tried the site, but it won't let me submit my application(tried several times, different days). I know everyone is different I just need something. I am currently employed as a computer tech-full time (pretty new job) and I don't want to ruin it. I rather have a fever and a bas case of the flu than show up like this at work. I've had Prozac prescribed in the past a few years ago when I was insured, it worked okay.. not a big thing. I just want this gone so I can function.