... years. He approached me several times after I got divorced (he was divorced 18 years ago, and hasn't had serious relationships since then). I was in another relationship at that time, and turned him down as I didn't want unfaitfulness anymore in my life. We ended in bed one night about 4 years ago, but I said I didn't want to be unfaithful so if we were to sleep with each other, I wanted commitment and asked if he wanted to marry or have children. (I was pretty intense). The guy went home...
I felt a desire for him, but thought it was due to the old habits.
For the last 1 1/2 2 years, I've been single and I've hung with this guy. Started to understand my feelings has been strong for him all these 20 years. We kissed briefly last year, but he pulled back and asked if I had feelings for him. I said yes- for 20 years, and then he said he didn't.
He has never stopped hanging around me, babysits my kids, cuddles me sometimes, gets jealous if I am going out with guys, plans holidays with me, but we have never kissed or anything ever since.
Do I stand a chance with this guy, or what should I do? I haven't brought up this topic ever again for him, cause I'm scared of being hurt.
I can see he is extremely scared of Commitment as he tells me he gets anxiety attacks after being with some random ladies.
I am totally sad and unhappy