So long story short I go to a very advanced school by european standards and I am in advanced level math. (To give you an idea I am doing senior in HS in the states and I am a freshman) My school uses a grade system that is out of 7 but you need a 4 to pass the class. I am currently at a 2.5-3 average and I need to get credits for the class because I am moving soon and I don t want to have that on my permanent record. I don’t want to move to intermediate because that is WAY too easy for me and I will learn nothing (I have the syllabus) I am getting good grades in all of my other classes and I just want this one to be like that too except I still want to learn. There are only seven weeks left before our exams (They give all of the secondary school students exams here) and that means I will have about six or seven tests left. Should I move down so that I pass but not really learn anything or risk failing. (Just by the way I haven’t passed a test all year and I am studying so much) next year I am moving down and will undoubtably get all sevens, is it worth failing to class this year and can they hold me back if I do???? I NEED URGENT HELP