I like this girl, but I'm not sure if she likes me back or not. (We are in high school)

This girl pretty much avoids anyone in real life. I only have one period with her and after that period is nutrition. Everyday after class, she dashes to her locker literally and trying to avoid talking to anyone. She super nervous around most guys and gets super nervous when talking to me or my other two guy friends. However, online, she's a totally different person. She talks a lot more and its just simply less awkward. We share webcams on skype and we are usually in group chats. During class, she never looks in my general direction, I don't know if I am over-analyzing this but I'm not sure if she's just not interested in me or is way to shy to make eye contact. (I have caught her once look at me though and she quickly looked away). However I'm assuming she's like that with most guy friends. She always complains about being socially awkward and stupid (she's really not stupid, but is a little awkward). Also, I'm probably the guy who knows most about her because when we do talk I actually try and get to know her than other guy friends who just tease her and try to make her laugh which I do too. She's really in k-pop, pokemon, school,loves rollar coasters, dance, and music (plays piano & guitar), and her birthday is March 22nd. She is also really kind and nice to everyone, and everyone calls her a sweetie.

Reasons why she might like me:
1. I'm the only guy friend that she has been in a private call with with webcams on
2. She gets really nervous around me, just slightly more than other guys
3. Whenever we are in a group chat and we stay up to 1-3AM in the morning, when I leave the call to go to sleep, she also leaves.
4. She teases me a lot (I also tease her a lot)
5. She tells me her problems
6. And recently she I started to see her around a lot ("coincidentally")
7. WE SHARE A LOT OF THINGS IN COMMON (video games, kpop, school (same teachers), pokemon, music (I also play piano), and other things

Reasons why she may just wants to be friend:
1. She tells other guy friends her problems
2. I'm usually the one to start conversations online
3. She's nervous around every guy
4. She teases other guys, not just me