I have been living in the same apartment for almost 20 years and have never been late on rent. I had the money to pay this month but due to traveling, my bank account was frozen and my check bounced so they sent me a 3-Day or quit notice around the 14th on my door.

I called them immediately, informed them of what happened and told them I would pay in a week. I went to the manager today with a money order to pay but he is refusing to take my money because he claims they have already started the eviction process. But besides the 3-Day notice I haven't received anything in person or in mail about the eviction order.

I recorded the conversation about them refusing my money, then I went to the post office to send the money order certified over night with a signature to prove that I am trying to pay. I also have next month's money as well and I am ready to send on the first.

I hear Im suppose to receive an eviction notice in person and I will have 5 days to write my case. Is this true? If so, Im ready to fight because I feel I have a good case:

- Never been late in my history of renting.
-I have 2 jobs of steady income
-My disabled aunt a grandmother live in the same building and I'm here to take care of them.
-Maintenance has not been kept up on the apartment.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!