I have had chronic for the past 8 weeks due to strep. The first dr. gave me a steroid shot, NOTHING. I went back a week later, nothing, then to an allergist. He has over 30 years experience WONDERFUL DR. I am on Zyrtec 2x a day, hydroxizine, 3 x a day, and a HIGH dose of steroids for 5 days, (apparently they are bad for long periods of time). I have LITERALLY spent over $100 on lotions, creams, etc. I haven't heard of anyone having this, for this long at least. I know Tylenol, IB profin, narcotic's etc make it worse. I can't help but to take an IB profin every now and again due to a bad car wreck I had a few yrs back. I AM DESPERATE, home remedies, any meds you can reccommend, PLEASE HELP!!!
I HAVE LITERALLY BROKEN SKIN, AND AM BLEEDING, it hurts when getting out of the shower toweling off my skin is so raw. I also take cold showers, that supposedly shrinks the histimines. I know the science behind this, I just can't get it to go away.