... had another and was recalled for follow up on same breast were i had benign tumor should i start worrying. You see since finding the problem i have inverted nipple and now mind working ovr time
Answers (2)
Even if it's benign, they will still constantly double check. I wouldn't worry so much if your Doctors are saying it's benign. Since you have benign ones it is still a great idea to have mammograms on a regular base. Most insurances pay for mammograms once a year. Ask your Doctor how often you should continue getting them. Some people only have to get them once every three years depending on your medical history.
Inverted nipple can mean many things. Randomly getting them can be one indication of cancer, but there are also a lot of other reasons. It can be something that's passed down through your genes. I've heard there are temporary inverted nipples. Some where it depends on temperature or age.
As far as your sudden desire to not do overtime work. I would say it's probably just anxiety and depression over the thought of cancer.
If you're unsure you can get more than one opinion from another Doctor. You can see if there is a specialist.