... need good grades to be able to use my phone over the summer. The semester has ONE WEEK LEFT!!!! The Summer vacation is in two weeks! HELP MEEEE!!!!
Reasons for grades:
*Math's D is because I am not the smartest and my homework is never 100% right and half the time fail...*
*Science's D is because Science has always been a difficult subject for me anyway.*
*History's F is because his grading technique is awful. He takes double points off for blanks (happened to me once and got a negative percentage...HOW THE HECK DOES THAT HAPPEN) He grades things too perfectly too... He gave another negative percent to me when I tried my best at a WS and failed it. We have had Worksheets upon worksheets in his class for the past three weeks and my grade would be at least a D if they weren't there!*
Please help. I already stay after school Monday and Tuesday for help from a friend who is a Senior. I am limited in time...VERY limited