Ill be w/ friend on a walk and usually my friends will go into an area that i cannot go to due to physical attributes: I am short and cannot go up a steep hil, because i cannot reach a branch for example my vision cuts out into blackness, except for small pieces of vision, usually in corners, suddenly i am surrounded by thorns, like a tall hedge, my friends leave and i am left alone, my vision goes from blurry in some areas but black for most, suddenly can hear something stalking me from the shrubbery and it is a small skinny human, he kinda looks like Sméagol from Lord of the Rings, and then i will wake up... please explain this
Answers (2)
The most common form of mental activity in sleep is not dreaming but thinking. Sleep thinking is not accompanied by sensory illusions and is not bizarre. It tends to be commonplace, often concerned with the real-life events of yesterday or tomorrow, and is usually banal, uncreative, and repetitive.”
All of us dream while sleeping, even if we may claim that we do not. It has been estimated that more than 95 percent of all dreams are not remembered. Actually, those we usually remember are the ones we have just before awakening.The cause of your bad dreams may be in the things you practice and dwell on mentally from day to day. The solution to bad dreams may call for an adjustment in your routine of life, especially in what you regularly feed your mind.—Phil. 4:8.
Therefore, what we see in dreams and the actions we experience in them are at times like hallucinations. This makes it possible for us to do things that are violations of natural laws, such as flying like Peter Pan or falling from a cliff without injury. Since it seems that dreams originate principally within the brain, it is not reasonable to think that they have special messages for us. We should view them as a normal function of the brain that helps maintain it in a healthful condition.
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