I had a friend we where close for about 7 years ago. The guy while generally a decent(albeit a little weird) person lied, BS and at times i felt he was leading me on. I could never get a straight answer about anything with him was just excuses, justifications and BS. Our relationship was based mainly on going out. Sometime about 3 years ago he met someone on a chat line. Immediately moved then married this person. Shortly after this time things got worse with our friendship.Our friendship relied mostly on going out which he stopped. Though he kept stringing me along Im broke im broke(he really wasnt). Once i noticed he was just BS i really had no more use for him. More lies and more lies and BS. Finally around June i decided enough and ceased most communications. I say most because we where still on a pool team. Although i had told him back them i think it was best if we went separate ways, then we had this discussion (in short manner) again in Nov. He insists on texting me mostly nonsense about video games, old 80's cartoons. What can i do to make him stop texting me. He doesnt always do it but usually twice a week he will randomly text me.